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"Architecture and ..."

April 26 , 2024

Our Rector, Regina Loukotová, and Head of Research, Marcela Hanáčková, were invited to a discussion series „Architecture and …“ organized by Samia Henni (Institute of gta, D-ARCH, ETH Zurich). Together with Philip Ursprung (Institute of gta, D-ARCH, ETH Zurich) and Nick Drofiak (UWE Bristol), they discussed pedagogy in architectural education. The event was hosted by the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, ETH Zurich. 

The other panels, with Andreas Kalpakci, Elli Mosayebi, Sonja Dümplemann, Samia Henni, Milica Topalović and Marilyn Umurungi, debated decolonization and habitat. Laurent Stalder held concluding remarks. Thank you for inviting us!