Votický Studio
“We have formed motionLab01, probably first such a lab in Czech Republic, with 12 students at ARCHIP and with our friendly consultants everywhere. We are fascinated and inspired by motion in nature, the Arts, in design and architecture. We are involved and follow the quiet kinetic, adaptive, moveable and responsive revolution…
motion – because we are fascinated and inspired by motion in nature, in the arts, design and architecture and are involved and follow the quiet kinetic, adaptive, moveable and responsive revolution…. and to connect with labs, artists, design studios and practices, consultants, universities and schools interested in moving world…
Lab – because we wish to work with innovative and creative ideas, research them, test them, prototype and model them as much as possible. And not be frightened to fail, before we succeed. Our future ambition is to work with 3d modelling tools, with animation software, digital printing and robotic arms…
01 – because work at motionLab01 is a continuation of teaching and research work by the Head of studio, Professor Robert Voticky. The theme started in the middle of 1990`s at UEL School of Architecture in London, continued at Faculty of Architecture at Technical University of Brno, where is professorial theses `Kinetic Tendency in Architecture` was presented and published in 2007. From 2014 till 2018 he formed as the Head the first motion Lab atelier at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. ARCHIP provides unique opportunity for motionLab01 to continue and further develop the kinetic, adaptive, moveable and responsive design, architecture and the Arts.”
Robert Votický is an architect, urban designer and professor of architecture. He started his architectural education at FA TU Prague, but after political emigration to London in 1968, he studied and graduated at School of Architecture at Kingston University in UK. He won the Rome scholarship and studied two years at the British Academy in Rome. He has lived and partly still does in London where he has practised, taught and exhibited. Apart from UK, he taught and lectured in Italy, USA and in Czech and Slovak republics. He is a member of RIBA and ČKA. Robert also functioned as an Advisor to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation in USA, he had led architectural office Lewis + Hickey Prague for 10 years and is a founding partner of US-UK consultancy Transpolis Global. He has an international experience with architectural journalism, photography, and illustration. Apart from his work on selected research-based projects, he had been the Head of atelier motionLab at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava for over 4 years and became first ever AFAD`s Professor Emeritus in 2018.
Robert’s main passion and interest during last 20 years has been KI.A.MO.RE – the kinetic, adaptive, moving, and responsive architecture and design and he wishes to bring his motionLab research and experience to ARCHIP, too.